IF-IS SKS 01 > Effektiv und effizient Schreiben in den Ingenieurwissenschaften
IF-IS SKS 02 > Wissenschaftlich Publizieren Fit für das Peer Review
IF-IS SKS 03 > Einführung in LaTeX
IF-IS SKS 04-en Scrum For Thesis? Agile and writing methods for your thesis project
IF-IS SKS 04-en
Scrum For Thesis? Agile and writing methods for your thesis project
TU München
Mo 27.8. 09.00-12.30 und
14.00-15.30 Uhr
Tu 28.8. 09.00-12.30 und
14.00-15.30 Uhr
We 29.8. 09.00-10.30 Uhr
Target Group: students, PhD students, researcher
Prerequisites: bring your own notebook
Requirements: email exchange and preparation of talk before, talk and exercises during the summer university
Participants: 20
Credit Points (ECTS): 1
Modul acceptance in Uni Bremen: (General Studies VAK) META-2012/IF-IS.2012.SKS.04
(Digital Media VAK) 03-B-UN-1/IF-IS.2012.SKS.04 (General Studies); auf Antrag wählbar für Master
(Informatik VAK) 03-BU-1/IF-IS.2012.SKS.04 (General Studies); auf Antrag wählbar für Master
(Produktionstechnik) anerkannt im Modul General Studies
You're preparing your Bachelor or Master thesis? You're working on a paper or your Ph.D. project? So your task will range from literature review, creating and implementing your idea up to the writing process.
In this course we want to work out together, how to make use of agile methods for preparing, conducting and supervising in thesis projects, what kind of techniques and strategies could be helpful (not topic specific) and which tools can simplify dealing with literature and writing.
Corresponding to the interests of the participants, certain "stages" of the process could be considered in more detail.