27 Aug (Tue) – Plenary discussion III

Plenary discussion III
Military technology and the defense industry

Plenary discussions, IF-IS DIS 03

Tuesday, August 27, 2024
Time: 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Location: Will be announced in the conference office.

Lisa Suckau, Leibniz-Institut für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung Frankfurt (PRIF)

Our third summer university discussion event will focus on the topics of dual use, defense technology and scientific-technical arms control.
First, Liska Suckau will introduce current issues and research with a keynote speech. We would then like to discuss with her and the participants and lecturers of the summer universities how technology development and the responsibility of technology developers are linked.

Military technology and the defense industry –
the nexus between technical research and development, social responsibility and arms control

Liska Suckau, researcher at the Cluster for Natural and Technical Science Arms Control Research at PRIF, specialises in understanding emerging disruptive technology (EDT). With a background in mechanical engineering from TU Dresden, she expanded her expertise by studying political science and war and peace studies in the Netherlands. Initially motivated by first-hand experience of arms in a conflict zone, her studies focused on arms use, force, and trade. Now at PRIF she explores the technical limitations of EDTs, their use in warfare,  need for control, and their potential for verifying future arms control agreements. (https://www.prif.org/)

– no registration required –
