Call for Contributions 2025: Lecturers with Innovative Courses are Welcome

The University of Bremen in Germany starts the 17th International Summer University for Women in Engineering. It will be on place in Bremen from August 20 to September 4, 2025. Women engineers from academia or industry are cordially invited to develop courses for the summer university 2025. Course offers can be submitted until February 10, 2025.
> Call for Contributions 2025 to Ingenieurinnen-Sommeruni

NEU (5.2.25):
Wir suchen eine wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin für die Sommeruniversitäten Informatica Feminale und Ingenieurinnen-Sommeruni in der Universität Bremen. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Informatik. Die ausführliche Stellenbeschreibung finden Sie über den Link:

Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung.

Meantime Courses for February to March 2025 are published
The online courses in the “meantime program” of Informatica Feminale, scheduled for February-March 2025 are published.

Awared the Equality Prize of the German Faculty Conference of Informatics Faculties
The German Faculty Conference of Informatics Faculties has awared its first Equality Prize (“Preis für herausragende Gleichstellungsarbeit”) to the Summer University Informatica Feminale of the Department of Mathematics and Informatics at Bremen University. The awards ceremony with the laudatory speech by Professor Christiane Floyd is available as video and photos.

Impressions of the Summer School 2024

Dear Participants, Lecturers, and Friends of the Summer Universities 2024,

we look back on the 16th International Summer University for Women in Engineering. The Ingenieurinnen-Sommeruni took place at the University of Bremen in Germany from 14th to 29th August 2024.

Our thanks…
As organizer team we give special thanks to our lecturers for their teaching with full engagement and collegiality.

We were very pleased with the greeting and the warm, committed speech of Katharina Kunze, deputy State Women’s Representative of the Freie Hansestadt Bremen.

We were equally pleased with the interested and exchange-oriented participants who traveled to Bremen and actively participated in courses, excursions, discussions and the plenary session. Thank you very much for your support, networking and ideas!

We are especially pleased, that many grants could be given to student participants for the stay in Bremen.

Thank you so much to our sponsors who again supported us to realize some core elements of personal encounter for participants and lecturers.

Last but not least we want to thank our student assistants in Bremen. Whether in the conference office or in the cafeteria, you were a top team!

Our look back…
60 courses, each lasting several days, were offered on current specialist topics and interdisciplinary subjects. The wide range of teaching topics was aimed at women students and professionals in technical sciences as well as students of all subjects. There were basics and special topics in engineering, computer science, interdisciplinary topics as well as offers relating to studies, jobs and careers. The courses were very popular.

On place in Bremen, lecturers and participants could visit an extensive social program.

See more information in detail:

Additionally again, we arranged a smaller ‘meantime’ online course program during the whole year 2024.

We as organizers hope to comply with needs of lecturers and participants, as well as to strengthen again the core elements of teaching and learning with physical, personal meeting.

The women´s network Ingenieurinnen-Sommeruni and its sister Informatica Feminale is a place to exchange about technical and social developments, which we meet in our every-day life and which are designed by ourselves as technical experts. The Summer Universities want to give space and time for critical reflections and highly welcomes experimental debates on the relations of technological knowledge and developments in societies. We especially offer teaching, which deal with applications of technical know-how in spaces for work and life (for example within care, education, health, food, household, mobility, social networking, publicity, sports, militarization, etc.) from feminist perspectives.

All, who want to receive information about future Summer Universities, are invited to subscribe to our mailing list. Please send an email to

Companies with gender sensible organizational concepts and successful personal management strategies to promote women engineers to a broad spectrum of leading positions are invited to present their best practices to the participants of Informatica Feminale. There will be plenty of other opportunities to sponsor.

We invite you all to partcipate and look forward to welcoming you next summer in Bremen!

Henrike Illig and Veronika Oechtering

International summer courses for women in engineering

For the Summer University for Women in Engineering 2025 we cordially invite women students from all types of universities and colleges as well as women professionals interested in further training from all over the world! You will experience three months of professional studies and establish a network with women having manifold backgrounds in a friendly and stimulating environment at the University of Bremen.

Every year the Ingenieurinnen-Sommeruni offers compact teachings in engineering and technology.

Entering higher education, developing a student career, transition into labour market and lifelong academic learning are equally in the field of vision. Inter/national lecturers and students meet at the Ingenieurinnen-Sommeruni in Bremen, Germany to exchange.

Since 2005 the Ingenieurinnen-Sommeruni is part of the regular course program of Bremen University and organized by the Kompetenzzentrum Frauen in Naturwissenschaft und Technik der Universität Bremen (Center of Excellence Women in Science and Technology) in cooperation with the Fachbereich Produktionstechnik – Maschinenbau & Verfahrenstechnik sowie dem Fachbereich Physik und Elektrotechnik.

Funding comes predominately from the Professorinnenprogramm (joint initiatives of the German federal state and the Länder) and the University of Bremen.


A place for experimentation in teaching

In 2005 the University of Bremen started the first summer university for women in engineering: Ingenieurinnen-Sommeruni is a place for experimentation and professional exchange, with the intention to develop and imply new impulses in Engineering.

The concept of Ingenieurinnen-Sommeruni has been transfered from Informatica Feminale, the summer university for women in Informatics (Computer Science). Informatica Feminale was developed at Bremen University in 1998 and is organized at Bremen on a yearly basis in parallel to the Ingenieurinnen-Sommeruni . More detailed information about the concept and history of Informatica Feminale can be found at
